8th Central Pay Commission Should Recommend Decent And Dignified Living Wages–NC JCM submit Terms Of Reference To 8th CPC
After the Modi Government's decision to set up 8th Central Pay Commission, lot of expectations are in the minds of Government Employees and Pensioners

Government have asked terms of reference for the 8th CPC from various Departments and Ministries and also from the Staff Side of National Council JCM the highest forum of negotiations between Central Government and its Employees. Now the Secretary Staff Side of JCM have forwarded the terms of reference from the side of employees and Pensioners. They have demanded for decent living wages as minimum pay by considering today’s life requirements and demanded for Restoration of Old Pension Scheme. They have demanded Special Considerations for Railway and Defence Civilian Employees. Pensioners issues and CGHS issues are also included in the terms of reference.
www.indianpsu.com accessed a copy of the JCM Letter addressed to the DOP&T which is given below for the benefit of our viewers.