97 Percent Pollsters Agree Government & PSU Employees Should Be Declared Corona Warriors

There has been a long-standing demand from all quarters of government employees, both state and central, that they should be declared Corona Warriors by Government of India. Employees from Public Sector Undertakings, Railways, Electricity Boards, Civilian Defence employees etc., have been constantly demanding that as they are on a regular basis endangering their lives while performing duty during the deadly second wave of Covid-19, they should be declared Frontline Corona Warriors. It is also a known fact that many government employees have lost their lives during this pandemic.
In line with this demand, www.indianpsu.com – a platform committed to news and views of mainly Government Sector and Public Sector Undertakings, carried out a 24-hour poll on Twitter asking whether Railway/Government/PSU staffers and officers should be declared as Corona Warriors and be vaccinated on top priority.
In the poll, www.indianpsu.com received 811 votes, of which 97 percent said yes, Railway/Government/PSU staffers and officers should be declared as Corona Warriors and be vaccinated on top priority basis. Only a meagre 3 percent said NO and there was no vote in the category of “CAN’T SAY”. The poll had 4,700 impressions and 1,390 engagements.
Based on the inputs of employees and officers of Public Sector Undertakings, Railways, Central and State governments, www.indianpsu.com shall continue to carry polls related to the life and welfare of these personnel.