China Has More Wind & Solar Than US, Germany, Spain, India And UK Combined
South Africa is currently leading the race in both operating wind and solar within the African continent
Data from the Global Energy Monitor(GEM) newly released solar and wind power trackers show that China has more operating utility-scale wind than the US, Germany, Spain, India, and the UK combined and has three times more solar than that of the US. The new trackers reveal that although South Africa is currently leading the race in both operating wind and solar within the African continent, Algeria will be taking over with their prospective wind capacity and Morocco with their prospective solar.
The two new tools for tracking the global transition to renewable energy: a wind power tracker and a solar power tracker, that were released on GEM’s website, provide data on more than 18,000 operating and planned wind projects in 144 countries, and around 8,000 operating and planned solar projects in 148 countries, capturing with that the full extent of utility solar and wind built-out around the world.
GEM’s data and reports on fossil fuels are used by the World Bank, IEA, UN bodies, Bloomberg Global Coal Countdown and other renowned entities. These two new tools will be the most reliable single source tracking operating and planned solar and wind capacity worldwide. As these two technologies create the backbone of modern electricity systems, the renewables race to the top will become increasingly dynamic.
GEM has released two new tools for tracking the global transition to renewable energy: a wind power tracker and a solar power tracker, that provide data on more than 18,000 operating and planned wind projects in 144 countries, and around 8,000 operating and planned solar projects in 148 countries.
These two new tools will be the most reliable single source tracking operating and planned solar and wind capacity worldwide.
The Global Wind Power Tracker (GWPT) and the Global Solar Power Tracker( GSPT) both are a worldwide dataset of utility-scale of solar & wind facilities. The Global Solar Power Tracker includes solar farm phases with capacities of 20 megawatts (MW) or more (10 MW or more in Arabic-speaking countries). A solar project phase is generally defined as a group of one or more solar units that are installed under one permit, one power purchase agreement, and typically come online at the same time. The Global Solar Power Tracker catalogs every solar farm phase at these capacity thresholds of any status, including operating, announced, under development, under construction, shelved, cancelled, mothballed, or retired.
Similarly the global wind tracker is a worldwide dataset of utility-scale wind facilities. It includes wind farm phases with capacities of 10 megawatts (MW) or more. A wind project phase is generally defined as a group of one or more wind turbines that are installed under one permit, one power purchase agreement, and typically come online at the same time. The GWPT catalogs every wind farm phase at this capacity threshold of any status, including operating, announced, under development, under construction, shelved, cancelled, mothballed, or retired.
The writer of this article is Dr. Seema Javed, a known Environmentalist, Journalist and Communications Expert.