Banning Compassionate Appointment To Kin Of Deceased Employees Of Ordnance Factories Is Illegal, AIDEF To Secretary (DP)
The new Secretary (DP) has convened a meeting to discuss this outstanding issue
Post-corporatization of Ordnance Factories Ministry of Defence have issued a ban for grant of Compassionate appointment to the dependents of the Deceased employees of Ordnance Factories.
As per the Government Orders if an employee die while in service a dependent of the employee is eligible for Compassionate appointment with certain conditions, such as Compassionate appointment can be given only to the extent of 5% of the Group ‘C’ Post falling vacant in a year. Due to this only very few dependents of the deceased employees get job on compassionate grounds.
In the Railways Compassionate appointment is almost 100%. Due to this the Trade Unions of other departments are also demanding that in their case also the compassionate appointment should be 100% and the artificial 5% ceiling should be removed. So far the Government has not agreed to this demand. In this situation only the compassionate appointments in the Ordnance Factories are completely stopped.
The AIDEF, the major Federation of defence civilian employees are repeatedly representing for lifting the ban on compassionate appointment, since the employees who died are all central government employees and that they are not the employees of the newly formed 7 corporations. In this regard, the new Secretary (DP) has convened a meeting to discuss this outstanding issue and have asked the 7 corporations to give the full details of all the pending cases. The AIDEF has shot a most urgent letter to the Secretary (DP) in which its General Secretary C. Srikumar has invited the attention of Secretary (DP) to the provision of the Government Orders which categorically state that even if a Ministry for a Department is re-organized, compassionate appointment cannot be denied and the same should be made available to the concerned persons.
The AIDEF in its letter dated.25.09.2024 addressed to the Secretary (DP) have also given concrete suggestions for the Government for issuing instructions for grant of compassionate appointment in the Ordnance Factories. accessed a copy of AIDEF Letter dated 25.09.2024 addressed to Secretary (DP) and the same is published below for the information of our viewers –