Coal India Limited Wage Revision Meeting In New Delhi Today
Representatives of four unions and top management of CIL will engage in discussions this afternoon

The much important meeting between workers’ unions and the top management of the country’s biggest Coal PSU – Coal India Limited (CIL) will be held at Samrat Hotel in New Delhi today. The meeting, which is to start at 3pm, will be attended by 28 members of four unions including BMS, AITUC, HMS and CITU. From the Coal India Limited management side, CIL CMD, Pramod Agarwal, Director (Personnel) and Director (Finance) apart from the CMDs of Coal Mini-Ratnas, will take part in the negotiations.
D.D. Ramanandan, General Secretary of All India Coal Workers’ Association told that this is the second round of negotiation between the unions and management of the coal PSU. He said that the unions are sticking to their demand of 50 percent hike in salaries as the Coal PSU has made a record profit even in the pandemic period.

He added that the new wage agreement, which would be for the next five years, would come into force with effect from July 1, 2021 and they have all good reasons to demand 50 percent wage hike.
Ramanandan said “Coal India Limited, with the instructions of Niti Aayog and the Central government, is looking at more than doubling the production of coal with the same resources in the next five years while the average age profile of workers and staffers of the PSU, clearly shows a decline of 23.75 employees in the same period (next five years). The reduction in cost of wages of 23.75 percent employees, compared to double profitability of the PSU, well justifies our demand”.