Federation Of Ordnance Factory At War Path Against Post-Corporatisation Problems Faced By Employees

Federations have served notice for observing Protest Week from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021 in all the 41 Ordnance Factories and OFB headquarters

After the implementation of Modi Government’s decision to splinter the 41 Ordnance Factory in to 7 companies as Defence PSUs, the employees are facing a lot of problems and difficulties in their day to day service matters. Even though the Cabinet has categorically decided that there will not be any change in the Service conditions and all the Rules & Regulations applicable to Central Government employees will be equally applicable to them
during the period of deemed deputation, employees are complaining that at present they do not have even an Industrial Relation Machinery to discuss the problem and to sort it out.

The AIDEF, BPMS & CDRA alleges that the Management of 7 Corporations are taking whimsical and unilateral decision on service matters which they are not empowered. Some of the Ordnance Factory without any basis have suspended the Joint Consultative Machinery, thereby, taking away the negotiating right of the employees. They further complain that even many claims of the employees such as Medical, LTC, Notional DA calculation for
Gratuity for retired employees and many other issues are remaining unsettled. In this situation they have decided to stage various protest programmes during Dec. 2021.

In this regard, they have issued a notice of agitation to the Secretary (Defence Production) on 16/11/2021. www.indianpsu.com accessed a copy of the joint notice served on the Secretary (DP) by the Federations, which is published for the benefit of our viewers.

Sub: Notice for observing Protest Week from 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021 in all the 41 Ordnance Factories and OFB hqrs., in protest against the various difficulties being faced by the Defence Civilian Employees post

Ref: 1) Joint letter No.122/AIDEF/BPMS/CDRA/21, dtd. 07/10/21
2)Joint Letter No.123/AIDEF/BPMS/CDRA/21, dtd. 07/10/2021
3) Joint Letter No.125/AIDEF/BPMS/CDRA/21, dtd. 18/10/2021
4) Joint Letter No.126/AIDEF/BPMS/CDRA/21, dtd. 24/10/2021
5) Joint Letter No.127/AIDEF/BPMS/CDRA/21, dtd. 24/10/2021

Post Corporatisation of the Ordnance Factories we have so far submitted 5 representations on the various difficulties and problems being faced by the Employees of 41 Ordnance Factories. The Cabinet decision to protect the service conditions of the Employees and applicability of all the extant rules and regulations which are applicable to Central Government employees including related to their payscales, allowances, leave, medical facilities career progression and other service conditions is blatantly being violated by the 7 Corporations. Factories have started suspending the functioning of JCM IV level Council without any authority especially when there is no provision in JCM scheme to suspend its operation. JCM III level Council Meetings and Apex Productivity Council Meetings are not taking place. Periodical meetings with the Federations are also not taking place. Taking in to account all these developments we have informed the DDP vide letter referred (5) above that in case the demands being submitted by us or not settled within 10 days, then we will be forced to launch various agitational programmes. However even after more than 20 days neither there is any response from your end nor a meeting has been arranged with us to discuss the issues and settle the same. In protest against this unhelpful and anti employee attitude of the DDP, we have decided to observe Protest from 08/12/2021 to 10/12/2021 by holding demonstrations and wearing black badge etc. in support of the following 20 demands.


1) To restrain the 7 Corporations from unilaterally and whimsically altering the service conditions of the employees of Ordnance Factories in violation of the Cabinet decision and DDP OM dtd. 24/09/2021.
2) To ensure proper functioning of all the industrial relation machineries including JCM IV & III Level Councils, Apex productive Council and Local productivity Council, Additional Meeting Mechanism etc.
3) To maintain the normal working hours of the Ordnance Factories as 44 ¾ hours per week and beyond this if employees are deployed for additional work, then they should be paid overtime allowance/wages including to the Industrial Employees deployed on piece work system.
4) Overtime wages/allowance is a part of the wages/salary of the employees for more than 7 decades. The same cannot be abruptly stopped without compensation.
5) No arbitrary withdrawal of 75 % piece work profit limit and revision of the piece work rates/hourly rates in the 7 th CPC pay scales w.e.f. 01/01/2016.
6) No disturbance in the medical facilities of the employees and required funds may be provided for medical reimbursement claims and Hospital employees may be paid Overtime if deployed on extra hours.
7) To ensure regular payment of GPF withdrawals.
8) To grant compassionate appointment to the Dependent of the deceased employees without further delay.
9) To settle all the pending inter factory/inter directorate transfer cases.
10) To grant promotions/MACP etc., in accordance with the Govt. Instructions and Recruitment Rules.
11) Implementation of the Hon’ble CAT Judgment in OA/021/00074/2021, dtd. 28/09/2021 by promoting the 63 employees who are in the select panel for promotion/appointment in the last Chargeman LDCE.
12) Withdrawal of the Yantra Indian Ltd., instruction on different office timings for different categories.
13) To withdraw the circular issued by the Directorate or Ordnance (C&S) seeking option from the OFB Hq., employees for their transfer/posting to Corporations.
14) To implement all the Cadre Review proposals of different categories.
15) Fixing in DPC date for promotion from JWM to AWM to DDP and UPSC against years up to 2018 as per OFB’s proposal already submitted to UPSC.
16) Submission of DPC proposal by OFB for JWM to AWM to DDP and UPSC against years 2021 and 2022.
17) To ensure all the payments/benefits such as Medical reimbursement, LTC, CEA etc.
18) To carry out Cadre restructuring and SRO amendments of various cadres in consultation with the Federations/CDRA.
19) Grant of one time relaxation to the employees who have acquired Diploma in Engg. through Distance Education Mode at par with DRDO and RRB.
20) To stop throwing out existing contract workers from their job.

It is once again requested that you may kindly intervene in the matter and arrange to settle the above issues by issuing necessary instructions on all the 20 demands or by holding discussions with us.

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