AIACE Serves Notice For Demonstration At CIL And SCCL Headquarters On October 30
Organisation says executives, employees and coal pensioners are feeling aggrieved as management has failed to resolve problems faced by them

The All India Association of Coal Executives (AIACE) has served the managements of Coal India Limited and SCCL, notice regarding their one-day demonstration at Kolkata and Hyderabad on October 30, as they say they feel aggrieved as the management has failed to resolve burning issues faced by them. The letter to this effect, issued by P.K. Singh Rathore, Convener of AICPA and AIACE is given below for the benefit to the viewers of –
(i) The Chairman
Coal India Ltd., Kolkata
(ii) The CMD,
SCCL, Kothagudam
Sub: Notice for staging a day long Demonstration by working executives and retired Coal Pensioners on 30-10-2023 from 12 noon to 4 pm at (i) CIL, HQ, Kolkata & (ii) SCCL Office, Hyderabad
Dear Sir,
The executives and employees along with coal pensioners are feeling aggrieved as management has failed to resolve the burning problems which are as below:
a) Awarding wage revision of employees under NCWA-XI in violation of DPE guidelines and creating pay conflict between executive and non- executive employees
b) Orphaning the present coal pensioners in the hand of an inefficient organization called CMPFO by allowing it free hand by BOT members (including representatives of management of CIL and SCCL on the board) which mismanaged the Pension Fund as blamed by CAG vide
As such, working executives, employees and retired Coal Pensioners across the country, under the umbrella of All India Coal Pensioners Association (AICPA) and All India Association of Coal Executives (AIACE), have decided to stage one day demonstration in front of (i) CIL, HQ, Kolkata & (ii) SCCL Office, Hyderabad on 30/10/2023 from. 12 noon to 4 PM for speedy implementation of needful measures.
We seek redressal of following issues without further delay:-
(i) Needful actions to provide PERSONAL PAY (PP) to executives in order to resolve the issue of pay-conflict arising out of implementation of NCWA-XI
(ii) Coverage of non-executive employees under 10 years wage agreement and NPS, PRP and other Perquisite to them like executives.
(iii) Reforms in Medical Rules for Working and Retired executives whereby, treatment availed in any hospital/doctor is permitted. The clause for working executives requiring referral by a company doctor should be deleted and be applicable only if Travelling allowances involved is to be reimbursed.
(iv) Hassle free cashless Indoor treatment be fully ensured at all empanelled hospitals
(v) Speedy implementation on suggestions contained in 12″ Report of Public Accounts Committee for Restructuring of Coal Mines Pension Scheme (Presented in Parliament on 18th March, 2020)
(vi) Incorporate Dearness Relief (DR) component as a part of pension to ensure equitable pension irrespective of retirement date.
(vii) Enhancement of present voluntary welfare cess of Rs 10 per tonne, to a value based on selling price of coal to be levied by all government and private coal companies.
(viii) Abide by the provisions enacted in CMPS-1998 to review and revise pension every 3 years
(ix) Instead of time-and-again announcing launch of simplified process of starting widow/widower pension at Bank level, let the process start in true sense
(x) Uniform implementation of CPRMS for both executives and non-executives.
This may be treated as a notice for demonstration on the said date if no visible action is seen by the management latest by20/10/2023. AIACE/AICPA members will demonstrate peacefully but in case of breach of law and order, the management may be held responsible for creating such a situation due to which our members had no option but to demonstrate for fulfillment of their demands.
Yours sincerely,