AICPA And AIACE Representatives Apprise Union Coal Minister Of Pitiable Condition Of Pensioners Of CIL and SCCL

They told the minister that many pensioners are getting pension less than Rs 1000/- per month in spite of working in dirty environment for long years

Today on 10-07-2024, D. Ram Chandra Rao and Meduri Vijaya Babu called on G Kishan Reddy, Union Minister of Coal in Hyderabad, on behalf of All India Coal Pensioners Association (AICPA), Singareni Retired Employees Welfare Association and All India Association of Coal Executives (AIACE). They handed over representation to the minister for revision of pension to the coal employees.

The petition expounded the sufferings of coal pensioners who are surviving on insubstantial pension and requested immediate intervention of the Ministry of coal & mines to sort out the issues plaguing coal pensioners. Hon’ble Union Minster responding positively, assured to discuss the issue with the relevant authorities for enhancement of the pension suitably.

After handing over the representation, the delegation apprised Hon’ble Coal Minister about pitiable condition of Pensioners in coal sector of CIL and SCCL who have retired long back.

He was informed that many pensioners are getting pension less than Rs 1000/- per month in spite of working in dirty environment for long years for meeting the energy requirement of the country. Even the highest Board level and below board level executives who retired before 2007 are getting a meagre pension, insufficient to lead comfortable life.

P. K Singh Rathor, Convenor, AICPA told that the poor pensioners are on the verge of starvation with the present pension amount and the government should immediately intervene for increasing the pension.

Given below are the copies of the representations handed over the the Union Coal Minister for the benefit of the viewer of

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