Air India Crew Suspended On Charges Of Leaking Pics Of Air India One

Crew members of Air India have been suspended due to photos leak of the new presidential aircraft – Air India One, which is to be used to fly top leaders of the Indian government including
the President, Vice President and Prime Minister of the country.
Soon after the two presidential Boeing 777 aircraft were received in October 2020, Indian Air Force took over the operations of Air India One but Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL), a subsidiary of Air India, would be responsible for the maintenance of the wide-body B777 planes.
Following the leak of the photographs of highly secured aircraft on social media, a high-level probe had been initiated in this case. The investigation resulted in the indefinite suspension of a senior cabin crew member who allegedly took the pictures. A cabin supervisor was reportedly also fired for not preventing the security breach. The crew members reportedly shared photographs of the VIP aircraft with their relatives revealing cabin layout, seats etc.
Air India One, the two planes have been heavily modified to add defense systems and a new cabin for the President, Vice President and the Prime Minister of India. Therefore, Air India One planes have similar security measures as the Air Force One planes used by the President of the United States.