BPMS Asks For Reimbursement Of Covid-19 Vaccination Cost To CGHS/ CS(MA) Beneficiaries

The Bhartiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh (BPMS) has written to the Union Health Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, saying that there is no policy on reimbursement of the Covid vaccination vaccination cost, if a CGHS/ CS(MS) beneficiary opts to get vaccinated at any private Hospital/ Centre. The letter goes on to say Central Government employees work at far flung areas where there are no medical/ vaccination facilities. Therefore, the BPMS has demanded reimbursement of the vaccination cost for government employees. The copy of the letter is given below for the benefit of the viewers of www.indianpsu.com –
Dr Harsh Vardhan
Hon’ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare ‘A’ Wing, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi- 110011
Subject: Re-imbursement of Covid-19 vaccination cost to CGHS/ CS(MA) beneficiaries.
Hon’ble Sir,
With due regards, it is submitted that vide DoP&T letter No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A.III dated 22.04.2021 & 06.05.2021, all Central Government employees of the age of 18 years of above, have been advised to get themselves vaccinated.
And, as per the Government of India policy, Covid-19 vaccination is being done free of cost to all at the designated Government facilities Centre. In spite of that people are required to pay an amount ranging from Rs 1000 to Rs 2000 per dose, if they decide to get vaccinated at private Hospitals/ Centres.
There is no policy on reimbursement of this vaccination cost, if a CGHS/ CS(MS) beneficiary opts to get vaccinated at any private Hospital/ Centre. You know that Central Government employees work at far flung areas where there are no medical/ vaccination facilities.
They have to work in their establishments during this adverse time and many of them lost their lives/ family members. Under these challenging circumstances, they/ their family members are required to visit their nearby places to get vaccinated. Sometimes, it is very easy for them to avail vaccination at private vaccination centre (because of it being nearest to their place of working/ easy availability of vaccination slots etc).
Therefore, rules related to re-imbursement should be made flexible and covid-19 vaccination cost should be reimbursed to them so that Central Govt employees and their family members under CGHS/ CS(MS) may avail vaccination at private vaccination Centres too.
You are requested to do the needful in this regard. Thanking You
General Secretary/ BPMS & Member JCM II Level Council (MoD)