CBSE Class 10 Board Exams Cancelled, Class 12 Examination Postponed Till Further Notice

Education Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has announced that the board exams for Class Xth to be held from May 4-June 14, 2021, are being cancelled. The results of Class X board will now be prepared on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the CBSE board.
The Education Ministry has postponed the CBSE Class XII 2021 board examination which comes in wake of the second wave of COVID-19 across India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi today chaired a meeting with the education ministry to take this decision. The exams were earlier to begin on May 4, 2021.
“The well being of the students has to be the top priority for the Government. The Centre would keep in mind the best interests of the students and ensure that their health is taken care of at the same time their academic interests are not harmed,” said PM Modi during this meeting.
Following this, Education Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ announced that the board exams for Class Xth to be held from May 4-June 14, 2021 are cancelled. The results of Class X board will be prepared on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the CBSE board.
“Any candidate who is not satisfied with the marks allocated to him/her on this basis (in Class X) will be given an opportunity to sit in an exam as and when the conditions are conducive to hold the exams,” he said.
For CBSE Class XII board exam, the situation will be reviewed on June 1, 2021 by the board, and details will be shared subsequently. A notice of atleast 15 days will be given before the start of the examinations. contacted Dr. Rajesh Hassija, a seasoned educationist and Director of Indraprastha Group of Schools who said “I think it is very appropriate decision of CBSE/Ministry of Education canceling the class X board exams 2021. We have appreciated earlier also the assessment made by respective subject teachers and accordingly the promotion to class XI was awarded to students of class X”.
Dr Hassija said that the only difference, this year has happened, that students have not attended the school. However, over the year, teachers have assessed their students online. Case of have-nots who couldn’t take online classes, an objective paper in any form could be conducted. If that is also not possible then based on previous years regularity, participation of students in various academic activities could decide promotion.
Dr Hassija added that “for class XII, it is a question of their career. I feel submitive test is must, may be of shorter duration conducted in the school and evaluated in the school itself. This will fasten the process and therefore postponing is not and issue. CBSE can forward the question paper to each school. However, results must be normalized based on children’s class X result and school’s
CBSE result in previous years. No solution will be perfect. We are not to please community but ensure acceptability of students post school education”.