CITU Writes To Top SAIL Management Against Vindictive Attitude Of Officials Of Durgapur Steel Plant
Many show cause notices on unfounded allegations have been issued by DSP management to the leaders and activists of the unions, says the letter
Tapas Sen, former Member of Parliament, General Secretary of Centre of Trade Unions (CITU) and NJCS Member has written a letter to Ms. Soma Mondal, Chairperson of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), urging her interference in “vindictive attitude of the management of Durgapur Steel Plant in issuing “Show Cause” notice to the leaders and activists of almost all the functional trade unions in the plant on totally unfounded allegations in response to united assembly of workers of DSP jointly sponsored by all the unions to report about the outcome of the bipartite meeting on Bonus/SPIS in two gates of DSP on two different days and to put forth the unions, considered view on the same”.
The copy of the letter is given below for the benefit of the viewers of –