Coal India Limited Auction Calendar For Linkage Auctions
Auction Calendar enables Coal Consumers Plan Sourcing
The supply of coal to Thermal Power Plants, Non-Regulated Sector (NRS) and State Nominated Agency was earlier governed by New Coal Distribution Policy, 2007 (NCDP).
Thereafter, the provisions of coal linkages of the NCDP for Power Sector and the Non-Regulated Sector have been replaced by the new mechanisms of SHAKTI Policy in 2017 and Auction of coal linkages for NRS under the Policy guidelines for auction of coal linkages of Non-Regulated Sector -2016, respectively.
The SHAKTI Policy and Policy guidelines for NRS are accountable, fair, and transparent mechanism of allocating coal linkages to Power/Non-Power Sector through a process of bidding.
The Coal linkage auctions under the provisions of SHAKTI B (iii), SHAKTI B (viii) (a) and for NRS are conducted by Coal India Limited (CIL). CIL in adherence to the SHAKTI Policy and NRS linkage auction policy, has uploaded the tentative auction calendars on its website ( for the linkage auctions conducted by it under above three categories.
These auction calendars provide the tentative time schedule during which the linkage auctions under these three categories are to be conducted by CIL during a year. The auction calendar will enable the coal consumers to plan for sourcing their coal requirement under these linkage auction windows through a responsible, accountable, fair, and transparent process of auctions.