Commercial Coal Mine Auction: 8 Of 13 Mines Under E-Auction On First Day
These mines will attract capital investment of Rs. 630 crores and will provide employment to 5,678 people

Ministry of Coal had launched the auctions of coal mines for commercial mining under 9th round on December 20, 2023 and 8th round on November 15, 2023. After evaluation of bids, forward e-auctions for thirteen mines were commenced from 12.03.2024.
On the First day, 8 coal mines were put up for auction of which 5 coal mine were CMSP coal mine and 3 coal mines were MMDR coal mines. Four of the eight mines are fully explored while the other four mines are partially explored coal mines. The total geological reserves for these 8 coal mines are 1,721.44 Million Tonnes. Cumulative PRC for these coal mines is 4.20 MTPA.
The results for Day 1 are as under:
S. No. | Name of the Mine | State | PRC (mtpa) | Geological Reserves (MT) | Closing Bid Submitted by | Reserve Price (%) | Final Offer (%) |
1 | Mahan | Madhya Pradesh | 1.20 | 107.41 | JK Cement Ltd | 4.00 | 6.50 |
2 | Mara II Mahan | Madhya Pradesh | NA | 955.96 | Mahan Energen Ltd | 4.00 | 6.00 |
3 | Thesgora-B/Rudrapuri | Madhya Pradesh | 1.00 | 45.04 | Sunflag Iron and Steel Company Limited | 4.00 | 7.00 |
4 | Binodpur Bhabhaniganj | West Bengal | NA | 198.57 | JMS Mining Private Limited | 4.00 | 18.25 |
5 | Marki-Zari-Zamani-Adkoli | Maharashtra | 1.00 | 21.76 | Nilkanth Infra Mining Limited | 4.00 | 22.00 |
6 | Dumri | Jharkhand | 1.00 | 55.99 | S M Steels and Powver Limited | 4.00 | 41.00 |
7 | Duni Central | Jharkhand | NA | 45.00 | Bull Mining Private Limited | 4.00 | 40.00 |
8 | South of Damuda | Jharkhand | NA | 291.71 | Rungta Sons Private Limited | 4.00 | 21.25 |
These coal mines upon operationalization will generate Annual Revenue of Rs. 652 crores calculated at PRC of these coal mines (excluding Partially Explored coal mines). These mines will attract capital investment of Rs. 630 crores and will provide employment to 5,678 people.