Defence Civilian Employees And Central Trade Unions To Observe 26th May, 2021, As “Black Day” For Indian Democracy

The 4 lakh Defence Civilian Employees are already in a war path against the Modi Government’s decision to corporatize the Ordnance Factories, restructuring of DGQA and DRDO, privatization of Army Base Workshops through GOCO Model, DA freeze and New Pension Scheme etc. Their indefinite strike notice is still pending in conciliation proceedings with Chief Labour Commissioner (Central). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the
conciliation proceedings the Defence Employees Federations have suspended their agitation for the time being. However, protest programmes are being observed in different manner by the Defence Civilian Employees during this pandemic period also.
The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) and Central Trade Unions have now decided to observe 26th May, 2021 as a “Black Day” for Indian democracy. They are observing “Black Day” in support of the following 7 demands of the Indian Workers and Kisans. The ldemands are reproduced below for the benefit of viewers of –
a) Free vaccine for all
b) Strengthen the Government run Public Health System at all levels
c) Immediate help to all unorganized/informal sector workers and unemployed people in terms of free food grains and cash subsidy of Rs.7500/- per month
d) Repeal 3 Farm Laws, withdraw Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2021, enact law guaranteeing Minimum Support Price of farm produce
e) Withdraw 4 Labour Codes along with draft central rules and convene Indian Labour Conference immediately
f) Put a stop to policy of privatisation/corporatization of PSUs and Government departments
g) Withdraw all arbitrary suspension of 38 labor laws for a period of 3 years by the states ruled by BJP and its allies openly violating the international labor standards i:e freedom of association convention 87, violation of collective bargaining convention 98, convention 144 tripartite meeting and consultations etc.
All India Defence Employees’ Federation (AIDEF) one of the major National Trade Union of the Defence Civilian Employees have also decided to extend full support and solidarity to the call given by the Central Trade Unions. AIDEF has directed its affiliated Unions to observe the “Black Day” on 26th of May, 2021 by forwarding a Protest Letter enclosing a copy of the joint statement issued by the Central Trade Unions and the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) to the Prime Minister and Defence Minister.