Defence Civilian Employees Show Solidarity With Farmers On Bharat BandhThe Defence Civilian Employees are already in a struggle path against the arbitrary decision of the Government to Corporatize the 41 Ordnance Factories, handing over Army Base Workshops to the private corporate in the name of GOCO model, closure of Defence Units, abolition of sanctioned posts and the retrograde New Pension Scheme etc., The Defence Civilian Employees are also fighting against 4 labour Codes passed in the Parliament against the interest of the working class. The 4 lakh Defence Civilian Employees today observed various protest programmes in support of the BHARAT BANDH on 08-12-2020 demanding for withdrawal of the 3 form Legislations undemocratically passed by the Parliament. The All India Defence Employees Federation whole heartedlysupport the demands of the farmers and the All India Kisan Sangarsh Coordination Committee. The AIDEF extend its total solidarity with the farmers who are on a rightful struggle. contacted C.Srikumar, General Secretary of All India Defence Employees Federation and asked why the Defence Employees are in solidarity with the farmers. He responded that a large section of the Defence Civilian employees belongs to agriculture family and they know the pain and sufferings of the farmers and agriculture workers. According to him the Defence Employees are convinced that the Corporates are having an eye on the massive food grain market of India. Now they are not able to enter this market and grab the same, since different state government’s have got different rules and regulations to buy food grain from farmers . It was difficult for Corporates to handle so many states with so many different regulation and taxes. To overcome this they have put pressure on the present Government and accordingly the new Law take over the control from states and made one Act for the entire country. This has made the Corporates very happy. Corporates will now buy crops and store them. But the Essential Commodity Act will stop them for storing crops for a longer time as it increases prices in the market. Modi Government has now enacted the food crops will not come under Essential Commodity Act and can be stored for a longer time. Corporates are very happy. Today farmer has got the liberty to decide what type of crop he will grow. The new Act provides for contract farming for farmers where they will be told by Corporates to grow what kind of crop. Corporates will be happy. The worst part is that the farmers cannot go to Courts for any injustice. They have to depend on the District Administration. In view of the above the farmer will lose all his freedom and his ancestral land to the Corporates. The AIDEF urges upon the Government to take urgent measures to resolve the demands of the farmers. It is the duty and responsibility of a democratic Government to address the genuine concerns of the farmers.

The Defence Civilian Employees are already in a struggle path against the arbitrary decision of the Government to Corporatize the 41 Ordnance Factories, handing over Army Base Workshops to the private corporate in the name of GOCO model, closure of Defence Units, abolition of sanctioned posts and the retrograde New Pension Scheme etc., The Defence Civilian Employees are also fighting against 4 labour Codes passed in the Parliament against the interest of the working class.

The 4 lakh Defence Civilian Employees today observed various protest programmes in support of the BHARAT BANDH on 08-12-2020 demanding for withdrawal of the 3 form Legislations undemocratically passed by the Parliament. The All India Defence Employees Federation whole heartedlysupport the demands of the farmers and the All India Kisan Sangarsh Coordination Committee. The AIDEF extend its total solidarity with the farmers who are on a rightful struggle. contacted C.Srikumar, General Secretary of All India Defence Employees Federation and asked why the Defence Employees are in solidarity with the farmers. He responded that a large section of the Defence Civilian employees belongs to agriculture family and they know the pain and sufferings of the farmers and agriculture workers. According to him the Defence Employees are convinced that the Corporates are having an eye on the massive food grain market of India. Now they are not able to enter this market and grab the same, since different state government’s have got different rules and regulations to buy food grain from farmers . It was difficult for Corporates to handle so many states with so many different regulation and taxes. To overcome this they have put pressure on the present Government and accordingly the new Law take over the control from states and made one Act for the entire country. This has made the Corporates very happy. Corporates will now buy crops and store them.

But the Essential Commodity Act will stop them for storing crops for a longer time as it increases prices in the market. Modi Government has now enacted the food crops will not come under Essential Commodity Act and can be stored for a longer time. Corporates are very happy. Today farmer has got the liberty to decide what type of crop he will grow. The new Act provides for contract farming for farmers where they will be told by Corporates to grow what kind of crop. Corporates will be happy. The worst part is that the farmers cannot go to Courts for any injustice. They have to depend on the District Administration.

In view of the above the farmer will lose all his freedom and his ancestral land to the Corporates. The AIDEF urges upon the Government to take urgent measures to resolve the demands of the farmers. It is the duty and responsibility of a democratic Government to address the genuine concerns of the farmers.

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