Flying Toxic Fly Ash From NTPC Thermal Power Station in Chatra District of Jharkhand Causes Serious Health Concern For Residents

Spilling of Fly Ash from overloaded dumpers from NTPC North Karanpura Thermal Power Station has become a regular feature in the area

By each passing day, resentment is growing among the villagers of Tandwa Village in District Chatra of Jharkhand. The reason is that dumpers overloaded with Fly Ash, coming out of NTPC North Karanpura Thermal Power Station, are passing thrugh the main roads in broad daylight and are spilling the dangerous Fly Ash all around the route they take, posing serious health concern for the local population.

The transportation of fly ash from the NTPC’s North Karanpura Thermal Power Station in Tandwa has become a significant issue for local villagers and passersby on the Tandwa-Kalyanpur main road. Overloaded trucks, often uncovered, release poisonous ash onto the road, causing health problems for those living nearby. Complaints from villagers led to an inspection by SDO, Simaria, who instructed NTPC officers and transporters to stop washing ash during the day and avoid overloaded transportation.


Despite these directives, the transportation of overloaded fly ash continues, exacerbating health problems for the local population. The wet ash falling from trucks dries up and causes skin and eye irritation due to allergic reactions. There are allegations that officials and transporters are complicit in these violations, driven by financial gains at the expense of public health.

This ongoing issue has generated considerable anger among the villagers, who face a polluted environment and health risks. While there have been efforts to suppress their agitation, there is a growing call for accountability and action from public representatives and responsible departments. The villagers are considering legal action and further agitation to address this pressing issue.

Major Health and Environmental Hazards Caused by Fly Ash:

  • Toxic compounds and heavy metals present in the fly ash can serious health issues like lung cancer, and neurological damage, and can even lead to premature mortality.
  • When fly ash is disposed of in lakes, ponds, or rivers it can cause serious illness to the people living in the nearby villages and can even turn fatal for some of the aquatic creatures.
  • The flash released from the coal-fired power plants is one of the primary reasons for the air pollution in India.
  • Also if the untreated fly ash is directly disposed of underground then, it can make soil infertile and can soil pollution.
  • Higher disposal of fly ash on the grounds retards the recharging of groundwater.

Keeping in mind the above mentioned environmental and health hazards, the top management of NTPC Limited, must take strong and immediate measures to ensure that Fly Ash is transported more responsibly and safely.

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