Hindi Month Concludes At RINL
CMD, RINL, lauds extensive usage of Hindi by RINL Collective which brought the prestigious National 1st prize for the 6th time in a row to the Steel PSU

Hindi Month was celebrated at RINL on a grand scale from 1st to 30th September, 2023.
The Concluding Function was celebrated on 30th September, 2023 in L&DC in which winners were given certificates and mementos by Chief Guest and CMD, RINL Sri Atul Bhatt.

Speaking on the occasion, Sri Atul Bhatt congratulated all the award winners and expressed his happiness that RINL bagged the first prize of Rajbhasha Keerthi Puraskar from Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for the 6th time in a row. The usage of Hindi in official correspondence has enhanced transparency and efficiency within the organization and Hindi also simplifies communication, reduces the chances of misinterpretation and this, in turn, has a positive impact on productivity and teamwork, Sri Atul Bhatt added.
Dr. Suresh Chandra Pandey, Director (Personnel) & Director (Finance) Addl. Charge, RINL has also graced the occasion. The progress of Hindi in general at Visakhapatnam and particularly in RINL is praise worthy, he added.

As part of the Hindi month celebrations at RINL, various programs were organized. Hindi Play-let competition was organized in which 8 teams from various Schools participated. Further, Hindi Poem Recitation (64 participants) & Essay writing (51 participants) competitions were conducted for the children of ZP High Schools in Aganampudi in which children from 6 ZP High Schools participated. Two competitions viz. Debate & Antakshari competitions were conducted for the employees of RINL in which large number of employees from Works & Non-Works Departments participated. A Hindi Workshop was organized through online for all Outstation Offices. Noting & Drafting Competition was conducted in different Regional and Branch Sales Offices on 14th September, 2023 on the occasion of Hindi Day Celebrations. On the occasion of National Hindi Day, message of CMD was released and forwarded to all offices including Ministries. Hindi Implementation Day was celebrated in Traffic & Raw Materials, TPP & WMD Departments. During Hindi Implementation Day, two competitions i.e. Good Handwriting & Hindi Reading competitions were conducted for the employees working over there and prizes were distributed. Presentation was made on Official Language Policy of Govt. of India and usage in Hindi in E-Office in the above Departments and motivated them to use Hindi in their official work.
CGM (HR) Sri G Gandhi and Sr. Officers of RINL along with teachers from various Schools attended the function.
GM (Rajbhasha) & Admn. I/c Sri Lalan Kumar welcomed the gathering and elaborated the various activities conducted by Rajbhasha Vibhag throughout the Hindi Month. The entire function was coordinated by Dr. T Hymavathi, AGM (Rajbhasha) and her team.