IMPAR Announces Corona Crisis Response Strategy

IMPAR as the responsible community organisation called an emergency meeting of its apex advisory committee and all the State and district units today and has announced its 11 point Corona Crisis Response Plan to compliment the efforts of the Government and public health system.
Earlier IMPAR called upon the community institutions and Haj Committees to come forward and offer its facilities to the State Governments for setting up corona care units and also volunteer for the services to the hospitals and corona positive families. IMPAR has also sent a communication to all the chief ministers offering its services through state and district units and its team of volunteers to join hands and compliment the Government efforts to deal with the crisis situation.
IMPAR is also grateful to the Ministry of Minority Affairs for taking cognisance of the situation and issuing the orders to the Haj Committees for the same. IMPAR is also thankful to its Advisory Committee Member, Syed Salman Chisty, Gaddi Nasheen, Dargah Ajmer for offering the facility to the district administration for covid care;
IMPAR Covid Response Strategy broadly comprises of the following action plan:
1. Launching IMPAR Langer at five hospital sites in Delhi – NCR with 1000 lunch boxes
2. Launching IMPAR Covid Awareness and Sanitation Drives nationwide through its State and district units and team of volunteers
3. Forming Panel of Doctors for 18 hour daily consultation support (6 am-12 am)
4. Constituting IMPAR District Covid Response Teams to work in coordination with the district authorities
5. Starting a Helpline number and putting up posters at hospitals for burial and cremation support
6. Issuing IMPAR Home Care Advisory in 15 different languages so that non critical patients take home treatment and not rush to hospitals
7. Issuing Vaccination appeal to the community with video messages and facilitating registration for vaccinations
8. Sending communication to the State Governments and district authorities for IMPAR coordinated community facilities to be offered for covid care centers
9. Establishing IMPAR Central Covid Emergency Response Team
10. Launching IMPAR Livelihood Support Program for the families affected by Covid crisis and those having lost their livelihood. IMPAR will connecting them with various Govt. schemes and private sector support systems as well as through IMPAR zakat funds.
11. Launching IMPAR Zakat Portal for raising zakat funds from the community for covid related work and livelihood support programs.
Out of the 11 point Action Plan, the work on first six points already started. The remaining actions will be initiated in next 2 to 3 days