India Needs To Develop Its Own Cloud And Server System : Anuj Agarwal

There is requirement of a significant push towards self-reliance in technology infrastructure to safeguard India's data, opines the cyber expert

In the backdrop of the global IT outage of Microsoft, which hit airlines and banks all over, Anuj Agarwal, Chairman of Cyber AI and Data Privacy Bar Association has expressed the urgent need for India to develop its own Cloud and Server System.

The key points on which he has focused are:

Urgency of Indigenous Development:

  • India needs to develop its own cloud and server systems to ensure data security and sovereignty.
  • Relying on foreign cloud systems poses risks to the nation’s confidential data and can lead to potential exploitation.

National Security:

  • Importance of national security in the context of data management.
  • Developing domestic infrastructure will reduce dependency on global tech giants and protect against cyber threats.

Expert Opinion:

  • There is urgent need for India to build its own infrastructure for cloud and server systems as this move is seen as essential for maintaining control over the country’s digital data and infrastructure.

Economic and Technological Independence:

  • Creating indigenous cloud and server systems is also tied to economic and technological independence.
  • It would foster innovation and growth within the country, potentially leading to new opportunities in the tech sector.

Call to Action:

  • There is a call to action for Indian tech companies and the government to collaborate and invest in building this infrastructure.
  • Need to discusses potential strategies and steps that need to be taken to achieve this goal.
  • Requirement of a significant push towards self-reliance in technology infrastructure to safeguard India’s data and enhance its technological capabilities.

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