JFROPS/NJCA Declare To Go For “Indefinite Strike” For Restoration Of Defined And Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme
Massive Pension Adhikar Rally held at Ramleela Maidan, New Delhi On Thursday

The Massive Pension Adhikar Rally, held at Ramleela Maidan, New Delhi, on 10th August, 2023, where in more than one lakh Central and State Government Employees participated, unanimously adopted the “Memorandum” to be submitted to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India justifying our demand for scrapping No Guarantee National Pension System (NPS) and to restore the Old Pension Scheme to the Central and State Government Employees and Teachers etc. irrespective of their date of appointment.
Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Convener/JFROPS/NJCA, proposed the “Memorandum” to be submitted to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India through the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, which was supported by Dr. M. Raghaviah, Co-Convener/JFROPS/NJCA, Dr. N. Kanniah, President/AIRF,Shri Guman Singh, President/NFIR, Shri S.N. Pathak, President/AIDEF,Shri C. Srikumar, General Secretary/AIDEF, Shri Ashok Singh, President/INDWF,Shri R. Srinivasan, General Secretary, INDWF,Shri S.B. Yadav, Secretary General, CCGE&W, Shri S.K. Tyagi, Co-Convener/JFROPS, Shri Janardhan Mazumder, Secretary General/NFPE,Shri Rupak Sarkar, General Secretary/ITEF,Dr. R C Dabas, AIPTF, Shri Rampal Singh/AIPTF,Shri Kamla Kant Tripathi/AIPTF,Shri Hari Kishore Tiwari/UPSEJC, Shri ShailendraDubey/AIPEF, Shri Prashant Chaturvedi/AIPEF, Shri Ashok Kumar, General Secretary /AISC/STREA,Shri SubhashLamba/AISGEF, Shri JaidevDahiya/AICGHSEA, Shri Mukesh Sharma/AIHEWC, Shri Sushil Kr. Pandey/UPPSS, Shri Manmohan Rajbongshi/AIFDE, Shri P.K. Sharma/AISPF, Shri B.P. Singh Rawat/NOPRUF, Shri Ajay/CDRA, Shri Manjeet Singh Patel/ AINPSEF,Shri Tarni Kumar Paswan/BKNSS (FCI),Shri Ganesh Khajuria/JKTF, Shri Gowhar Ahmed Bhat/JKGLTF, Shri Shiv Shankar Dubey/FRDE, Shri Kiran Pal Singh/CEPF,Shri Manoj Tewatia/ CEPF, Shri Jasvir Singh Talwara/PPBSC, Shri Shivaji Vasireddy/FNPO, Shri L.N. Pathak, Coordinator/JFROPS, Shri Navo kumar Karmakar/AIFEA, AIFTO.

Thereafter, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Convener, proposed the following Action Programme for adoption in the coming days through a “Declaration”, which the Rally unanimously adopted.
- Campaigning Programmes and mobilising the employees and also to create public support for the demand of scrapping the National Pension System(NPS) and
restoration of the Defined and Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme should be a continuous process and the same should be intensified at the Industry/Office/Unit/Local level in the coming days. Social Media should be fully utilised for this purpose. - Joint Gate Meetings, Rallies, Processions, Dharnas, Seminars etc. Should be held on the following dates:-
(i) 21.08.2023
(ii) 21.09.2023 and
(iii) 21.10.2023 - Strike Ballot (Secret Ballot) to be taken by all the Constituent Organisations for “Indefinite Strike” in support of single-point demand of “Scrap/ Withdraw No Guarantee NPS and restore Defined and Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme” on the 21st and 22nd of November, 2023.
- The Massive Pension Adhikar Rally hereby authorises the Steering Committee of the JFROPS/NJCA to decide the date of issue of Strike Notice and the date of commencement of the “Indefinite Strike”.
- A call will be given by the JFROPS/NJCA for “Bharat Bandh” during the course of strike after consulting the Central Trade Unions and other likeminded organisations.
- The Convener of the JFROPS/NJCA will convey the above Declaration to the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, and all the Chief Secretaries of the respective State Governments.
The foregoing is the Declaration of the “Massive Pension Adhikar Rally” duly adopted today, on 10th of August, 2023, to achieve the demand of “Defined and Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme”, so as to ensure a decent and dignified retired life for all the Central and State Government Employees and Teachers of all categories etc.