Mansukh Mandaviya Reviews Requirement And Supply Of Amphotericin B – Ensures Availability

MoS for Chemicals and Fertilizers Mansukh Mandaviya today reviewed the requirement and supply position of Amphotericin-B which cures Mucormycosis. The Government has chalked out a strategy with manufacturers to ramp up domestic production as well as to import the drug from all over the world.
The Minister has observed that the supply of Amphotericin-B has been increased many folds. But currently there is a sudden demand surge. He has assured that the Government is committed to making all possible and necessary efforts to make it available to needy patients.
The Government has also outlined the system for efficient distribution and supply chain management of Amphotericin B. The shortage is expected to get resolved at the earliest. Mandaviya has urged States to use this drug judiciously by strictly following the prescribed guidelines.