NCOA Writes To Prime Minister Modi Seeking Appointment of Chairman of Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB)

National Confederation Of Officers’ Associations, the National Forum of the Executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises, has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking his intervention for the early appoointment of Chairman of Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB). The NCOA has stressed upon the fact that due to this post lying vacant for months now, key positions are lying vacant in more than 100 CPSES since more than past 06 months. The copy of the letter written by the NCOA is reporoduced below for the benefit of the viewers of –
Subject: Intervention for early appointment of Chairman PESB
We would like to draw your kind attention towards inordinate delay in the appointment of The Chairman of Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB). PESB is a high powered body constituted by Government of India vide Resolution dated 03.03.1987, which was subsequently amended from time-to-time, the latest being on 11.11.2008. The PESB has been set up with the objective of evolving a sound managerial policy for the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and in particular, to advise Government on the appointments to their top management positions.
We, on behalf of National Confederation of Officers’ Association (NCOA), which represents around 2.5 Lakh Executives of CPSES, would like to draw your kind attention towards the vacant position for The Chairman of PESB since long, which has affected the entire selection and placement of personnel to the posts of Chairman, Managing Director or Chairman-cum-Managing Director (Level-) and Functional Director (Level-l) in CPSEs. It is worth-while to mention that presently our Government is working efficiently to overcome the economic slowdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, advocating the concept of Aatma-Nirbhar Bharat and increasing Capex through CPSEs. CPSES have also been in the forefront by rendering services to nation to ensure the reach of goods & services at each corner of the country in terms of uninterrupted supphy of Fuel, LPG, Power, Fertilizers, Communication services, Defence production etc.
However non filling of key positions in more than 100 CPSES since more than past 06 months due to delay in appointment of PESB Chairman is impacting the entire spirit and
have risk to impact your vision towards faster economic growth.
Present Government of India is known for prompt & timely decisions, and has proven track record to bring about a positive change in the perception as well as mind set of the common
man of India. The resounding success of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan & Ujwala scheme through CPSEs is glaring examples of the above. An immediate appointment of The Chairman of PESB is very much required, so that key position holders of CPSES can take long term.
Therefore, NCOA is humbly requesting for your intervention for early appointment of Chairman of PESB.