Punjab & Sind Bank Records Net Profit Of Rs.373 Crore Against Net Profit Of Rs.278 Cr (Q-o-Q)
The Public Sector Bank has posted growth of 34.17%.

Key Highlights (Q3 FY 2023)
- Net Profit stands at Rs.373 Cr against Net Profit of Rs.301 Cr for Dec’ 2021 and Rs.278 Cr for Sept’ 2022, a growth of 23.92% and 34.17% respectively.
- Operating Profit up by 8.18% (Q-o-Q) and 3.61% (Y-o-Y).
- Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) ratio reduces by 608 bps on Y-o-Y basis to 8.36%.
- Net Non-Performing Assets (NNPA) ratio reduces by 99 bps on Y-o-Y basis to 2.02%.
- Capital Adequacy ratio (CRAR) at 15.57% with Common Equity Tier 1 (CET-1) ratio of 12.79% at the end of December 2022.
- Return on Assets (RoA) improves to 1.11%, improvement of 13 bps (Y-o-Y).
- Net Interest Income grows by 6.20% on Y-o-Y basis.
- Yield on Advances improves to 8.11%, improvement of 42 bps (Y-o-Y).
- CASA Deposit grows by 11.33% on Y-o-Y basis and its share in Total Deposit stands at 33.30%, improvement of 67 bps.
- RAM (Retail, Agriculture & MSME) Advances up by 19.07% (Y-o-Y).
- Retail advances up by 32.31% to Rs.14739 Cr (Y-o-Y).
- MSME advances up by 14.92% to Rs.13929 Cr (Y-o-Y).
- Agriculture advances up by 9.63% to Rs.11288 Cr (Y-o-Y).
- Credit – Deposit (CD) ratio improves to 71.00%, improvement of 452 bps (Y-o-Y).
- Slippage ratio improves to 0.36% for Q3 FY2023 from 0.58% for Q2 FY2023
Key Summary of Business Performance (as on 31st Dec 2022)
Other Highlights:
- Total Business grows by 12.08% on Y-o-Y basis to Rs.187242 Cr as on Dec’ 2022.
- Total Deposit up by 9.11% on Y-o-Y basis to Rs.109497 Cr in Q3 FY2023.
- Gross Advances up by 16.54% on Y-o-Y basis to Rs.77745 Cr as on Dec’ 2022 against Rs.66710 Cr as on Dec’ 2021.
- RAM advances as a percentage of Gross Advances stands at 51.39%, improvement of 109 bps (Y-o-Y).
- Bank surpasses the targets in Priority Sector Advance at 52.54% and Agriculture Advance at 20.15% of ANBC, as on Sept’ 2022, against the target of 40% and 18% respectively.
- Credit to Small and Marginal farmers stands at 11.22% of ANBC, against the target of 9.50%.
- Credit to Weaker Sections stands at 13.41% of ANBC, against the target of 11.50%.
- Credit to Micro Enterprises stands at 13.25% of ANBC, against the target of 7.50%.
- Operating Profit shows a growth of 3.61% on Y-o-Y basis to Rs.344 Cr for Q3 FY2023 as against Rs.332 Cr for Q3 FY2022. The same was Rs.318 Cr for the quarter ended 30.09.2022.
- Cost to Income Ratio improves to 63.47% for Q3 FY2023 as against 64.20% for Q3 FY2022. The same was 65.30% for the quarter ended 30.09.2022.
- Provision Coverage Ratio (PCR) (including TWO) stands at 89.31% in Dec’ 2022 against 87.77% in Dec’ 2021.
Financial Inclusion:
- Bank is having 18.42 lakh PMJDY accounts with a CASA Deposits of Rs.539 Cr as at Dec’ 2022.
Distribution Network:
- As on 31st Dec’ 22, the Bank has 1528 number of branches, out of which 572 are Rural, 278 Semi-Urban, 356 Urban and 322 Metro along with 803 number of ATMs, 357 BCs.
Awards & Accolades:
- Top Improver Bank in EASE Reforms Index 5.0 for Q2 FY 2022-23.
- 3rd Top Performing Bank in Theme 4 i.e. Collaboratively and Development focused banking under EASE 5.0 as on 30.09.2022.