Revised Pay Scales For Public Sector Bank Employees Worked Out

The following is the joint statement issued by All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA), National Confederation of Bank Employees (NCBE), National Organisation of Bank Workers (NOBW) and Indian National Bank Employees Federation (INBEF), after conclusion of the meeting with officials of IBA, which is reproducing here for the benefit of its viewers.
31st October, 2020
Circular To All our Unions and Members:
Dear Comrades,
Discussions with IBA today
One more round of discussions was held today between IBA and four
Workmen Unions viz. AIBEA, NCBE, NOBW and INBEF. IBA was led by
Chairman of the Working Group Shri Rakesh Sharma, MD&CEO, IDBI Bank
along with Shri Gopal Murali Bhagat, Dy. Chief Executive, IBA. We were
represented by General Secretaries of our four Unions.
In continuation of the discussions held on 16-10-2020, we reiterated our
viewpoints on the issues and demanded finalising the various components
of payslip items within the overall agreed cost of Rs. 3385 crores. IBA also
agreed to the same and further agreed that the final settlement needs to
be arrived at without further delay.
Today, the revised Pay scales have been worked out as under :
Clerical: Rs. 17,900-1000/3, 1230/3, 1490/4, 1730/7, 3270/1, 1990/1,
Substaff: Rs. 14500, 500/4, 615/5, 740/4, 870/3, 1000/3, 28145.
Stagnation increments would be 9 increments after reaching maximum.
Uniformity in periodicity has also been agreed upon. As already informed,
DA would be at 0.07% per slab of 4 points over 6352 points of Index. On
HRA, it has agreed that there would be uniform rate of HRA in all centres
as against 3 different rates as at present. Other items like PQP, Special
Pay, FPP, HRA, Medical aid, etc. is being been worked out. Besides Special
Allowance of 16.4% for both clerical and substaff, DA will also be paid on
Transport Allowance. Looking to these developments and areas of
understanding, the itemwise distribution under different components is
being finalised. Revision in powers of Special Pay posts and increase in
amount of special pay is under discussion and would be finalised. It has
also been agreed to sign the Settlement at the earliest.
With greetings,
Yours comradely,
C H Venkatachalam S K Bandlish Upendrakumar O P Sharma
Gen. Secretary Gen.Secretary Gen. Secretary Acting Gen. Secretary