RSS Affiliate Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh To Oppose Privatization of PSUs Tooth And Nail

The National Executive of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh which was held at Chennai from 12th to 14th February 2021 has deliberated the scenario after the presentation of the Union Budget on 01.02.2021 in the context of the onslaught of the Government against the Central Public Sector Enterprises. The BMS has unanimously resolved to oppose the disinvestment of the CPSEs in the name of strategic and nonstrategic entities and also against the policy of the Government with regards to monetization of the precious assets of the CPSEs.
The National Executive of BMS has decided to hold a special meeting of the Coordination
Committee comprising of CPSEs in the field of Banking, Insurance, Telecom, Oil, Power, Coal, Non-Coal, Engineering, Defense Production Units, Railways, Posts, Ports, Ship Yard, Airports, Air India etc etc at Hyderabad and chalk out a detailed programme of action.
Accordingly, the Public Sector Undertakings Coordination Committee (BMS) conducted a special meeting on 25-26 February 2021 at Hyderabad. The meeting was attended by more than 40 Heads of unions of the BMS which operate in the above mentioned fields and was guided by H.J.Pandya, President, Binoy Kumar Sinha, General Secretary & B.Surendran, Organising Secretary Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. The Coordination Committee was also attended by the Organizational in charges of various sectors.
The meeting reviewed the present scenario Industry wise and a consensus has emerged that the BMS should strongly oppose the policies of the Central Government vis-à-vis Disinvestment,
Privatization & Monetization and has decided to conduct an agitational programme in different phases such as —
A) To conduct Industry wise seminars from 15.03.2021 to 14.04.2021
B) To conduct Unit level workshops in the Month of May 2021
C) To organize mass awareness campaign between 14.06.2021 to 20.06.2021
D) To hold Unit level mass demonstrations on 15.07.2021
E) To conduct State level conventions between 20.09 2021 to 30.09.2021 and
F) Hold Demonstrations at all Corporate Offices of all Public Sector Undertakings on 23.11.2021.
All the above programmes will be held by all the Public Sectors in the field of Banking, Insurance, Telecom, Oil, Power, Coal, Non-Coal, Engineering, Defense Production Units, Railways,
Posts, Ports, Ship Yard, Airports, Air India etc. throughout the country. The workshop concluded with vote of thanks by Shri S. Mallesham, All India Vice President, BMS and In charge Public Sector.