SAIL Q3 Results – Net Profit Down By 67 Percent, But Revenue Up By 5 Percent

Slight improvement in EBITDA compared to the corresponding period last year

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has declared its financial results today for the quarter and nine month ending 31st December, 2024.

Key highlights:

Performance of Q3 FY 25 (Standalone) at a glance:

Q3 23-24Q2 24-25Q3 24-25
Crude Steel ProductionMillion Tonne4.754.784.63
Sales VolumeMillion Tonne3.814.104.43
Revenue from OperationsRs. Crore23,34524,67524,490
Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA)Rs. Crore2,3193,1742,389
Profit Before Exceptional Items and TaxRs. Crore3841,113289
Exceptional ItemsRs. Crore76029
Profit Before Tax (PBT)Rs. Crore4611,113318
Profit After Tax (PAT)Rs. Crore331834126

Performance of 9M FY 25 (Standalone) at a glance:

Unit9M 23-249M 24-25
Crude Steel ProductionMillion Tonne14.2214.08
Sales VolumeMillion Tonne12.4612.54
Revenue from OperationsRs. Crore77,41773,162
Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA)Rs. Crore8,4517,983
Profit Before Exceptional Items and TaxRs. Crore2,6981,728
Exceptional ItemsRs. Crore(339)(283)
Profit Before Tax (PBT)Rs. Crore2,3591,445
Profit After Tax (PAT)Rs. Crore1,722970

SAIL’s revenue from operations and sales volume increased during the third quarter of the current financial year, along with a slight improvement in EBITDA compared to the corresponding period last year.

Commenting on the financial results, Chairman SAIL, Amarendu Prakash said, “In the face of a challenging steel market characterized by declining prices and an influx of cheap imports, SAIL has managed to achieve better EBITDA during the Q3FY25 compared to the corresponding period last year. We remain steadfast in our commitment to boost production and enhance cost efficiency, while simultaneously further explore and adopt greener technologies. We expect that with appropriate interventions, the issue of cheap imports will be addressed and government’s drive on infrastructure development will bode well for the domestic steel industry while driving the demand further”.

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