Sale Of RINL Land Blocks/Plots By National Land Monetization Corporation At Visakhapatnam
E-auction for the property was held on 14-15.03.2024 by RINL/NBCC/NLMC

The auction towards Sale of RINL Land Blocks/Plots by NLMC at Visakhapatnam, AP (Phase-1) E auction witnessed a good response from bidders including NRIs for RINL properties located at HB Colony, Auto nagar & Pedagantyada in Visakhapatnam.
It may be recalled that varied size of land plots/blocks from 129 to 5350 sq yds to suit multiple segments of individuals/organizations/corporates etc., had been offered for sale with reserve price ranges Rs 70,200 /- to Rs 85,800/- per sq yd. These properties are located at a well-developed colonies/CBD in Visakhapatnam and all encumbrance free with clear title vested in RINL.
About 220 enthusiast bidders registered for participating in e-auction. 72 Nos (63 plots and 9 blocks) of land plots/blocks measuring 29,270 sq yards were sold for Rs 243 Cr through an online bidding platform
There’s good news for those who missed out on opportunity. Phase 2of the auction is set to launch soon.
For further details, the following officials may be contacted during office hours or on the emails indicated and please watch the following websites.
- NLMC(National Land Monetization Corporation) : Shri Rohin Koppuravuri, GM, # 9010480270 /
- RINL: Shri Y Chandrasekhar, GM (Town Admin & Contracts), # 09866928811 /
- NBCC (National Buildings Construction Corporation) : Shri G Rajaram, GM (Engg), # 7317792333 /