Serious Unrest Brewing Amongst Railwaymen For Not Recognising Them As “Frontline Workers”

On lhe clarion call of All India Railwaymen’s Federation, the Railwaymen across the country demanded, through Twitter Campaign, to give status of the “Frontline Workers to the Railwaymen, by tweeting to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Minister for Railways and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Government of India) and AIRF.
Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary AIRF said that, there is serious unrest and discontentment brewing in the Railwaymen on account of debarring them from the category of “Frontline Workers” as they are performing their duties day and night sacrificing their valuable lives. He further stated that, while Government is extending all the benefils to the staff of other departments, treating them “Frontline Workers”, Railwaymen are being given step-motherly treatment by debarring from the status of the ”Frontline Workers”.
Shiva Gopal Mishra further stated that in the Standing Committee Meeting of AIRF, held on 26″‘ May, 2021, serious anguish was expressed by all the Office Bearers of AIRF against this discriminatory policy of the Government of India towards the Railwaymen, it was unanimously decided to launch massive Twitter Campaign on 7th June, 2021, across the country, demanding “Frontline Workers” to the Railwaymen. He further said that, if demand of AIRF, treating Railway men as “Frontline Workers”, is not accepted by the Government and they are not extended legitimate benefits of the ”Frontline Workers”, viz. priority lo Railwaymen in vaccination and extending them benefit of ex-gratia, amounting to Rs.50 lakh, in case of death of Railway Employee, we will intensify our movement.
Mishra informed that the Railwaymen, without caring the Pandemic, sacrificing their precious lives, are running and operating trains across the country.These were the Railwaymen who, saved valuable lives of the people by running “Oxygen Expresses” from one corner of the country to the other. Unfortunately, the Government instead of giving recognition to the supreme sacrifices given by the Railwaymen during this Pandemic situation, is not conceding their legitimate demands (viz. priority to Railwaymen in vaccination and extending them benefit of ex gratia, amounting to Rs.SO lakh in case of death of the Railway Employee) of giving them status of the “Frontline Workers”. He further said tha it is quite unfortunate that the Government is not treating the Railwaymen, who are putting their valuable lives in danger and sacrificing their precious lives during this Pandemic situation run the lifeline cf the Nation ·’ Indian Railways”, as “Frontline Workers”. This is not acceptable to AIRF.
General Secretary AIRF, Shiva Gopal Mishra, said that the demand of the Railwaymen, treating them as “Frontline Workers”, has been tweeted in lakhs, with #TreatRailway Employees Frontline Worker, and remained in trend throughout the day. Tweets were made to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Minister for Railways and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Government of India) and AIRF. Mishra further said that, if the Government of India and Ministry of Railways is not conceded our legitimate demand of treating Railwaymen as “Frontline Workers”, we will ask the Railwaymen for a sustained struggle in future.