Sri Sathya Sai Devotees Across Vizag District Pray For The Wellbeing, Growth & Prosperity Of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
RINL is facing severe crisis due to lack of raw materials which are stuck at Adani Gangavaram Port Limited

RINL, the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam steel plant, has been providing livelihood to lakhs of people in the great city of Visakhapatnam directly or indirectly, and is one of the largest steel plants in the country, which is crucial for the development of the state and the country. Keeping this in view and on coming to know about the recent severe crisis being faced by Visakhapatnam steel plant due to lack of raw materials which are stuck at Adani Gangavaram Port Limited and other problems, hundreds of office bearers, devotees, youth and women’s wing of Sri Sathya sai seva organisations have recited Sai Gayatri Maha Mantra 21 times collectively in various Sri Sathya Sai Bhajan Centers and Griha Bhajans(house bhajans) of Visakha district after bhajan and before offering harathi seeking the divine blessings of Bhagavan sri Sathya sai baba for the wellbeing, growth and prosperity of Visakhapatnam steel plant based on a clarion call given by the District President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations of Visakha District Mr. P. R.S.N. Naidu.
Accordingly, to protect the Visakhapatnam steel plant in Visakha district, several devotees collectively recited Sai Gayatri Maha Mantra 21 times before Harati and after Bhajan in Sri Sathya Sai Bhajan Centers and Griha Bhajans(Home bhajans) across Vizag district.
Today, at a program held at Sri Sathya Sai Prema Sadan in MVP Colony under the auspices of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti – Visakha City, District President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations of Visakha District Shri P.R.S.N. Naidu, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti – Visakha City Convenor Shri DVVS Raju, Sri Sathya Seva Organizations Samiti Convenors, Bhajan Mandali Convenors, District Officials, Sri Sathya Sai Singers, Sri Sathya Sai Youth, Officials and many devotees recited “Sai Gayatri Maha Mantra” 21 times collectively and prayed for the speedy progress and growth of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.