Steel Executives Federation of India Demand Payment of Ex-Gratia Amount To Dependents Of Deceased Employees Of RINL Due To COVID-19

Steel Executives Federation of India (SEFI) has written to the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited asking him to release the Payment of Ex-gratia amount to the dependent of deceased employees due to COVID-19. Below is the content of the letter written by SEFI for the benefit of the viewers of –
Sub: Payment of Ex-gratia amount to the dependent of deceased employees due to COVID-19.
Respected Sir,
The entire country is threatened with spread of second wave of COVID-19.The human lives have been adversely affected due to fast spread of the virus. In these unprecedented Umes of crisis all possible prevention and preparations shall be made so that the team-RINL can be protected from this contagious decease.
With due respect we would like to bring to your kind attention that executives are working very hard for the organization inspite of the unprecedented panademic sutuatlon and they are contlnuing to work in their respective plants. In this process many of the team members have be cought infacted by COVID-19 and lost their
lives while performing their duties for RINL.
Sir, we belive that it is company’s responsibility towards the families of deseaced employees, who lost their lives performing the duties. It is requested to make provision of ex-gratia monetory compensatlon to the dependents of deceased employees in line with other PSUs. RINL has been running operations throughout the duration of the lockdown,because it was considered as an essential service to Indian infrastructure.
RINL employees have performed a tremendous job during second wave of COVID-19 pandemic. The decision of payment of Ex-Gratia will go a long way to express the concern of company towards it’s employees.