Tooter, The New Swadeshi Challenge To Twitter Is Gaining Popularity By The Day

The in-thing called Tooter, is taking India by storm. An App which seems to be heavily inspired by the famous microblogging site – Twitter but with a big difference. Tooter is too friendly to its users and promised a Verified Account or Blue Tick to all those who have crossed the 500 mark in terms of followers. If this App continues the way it is going, it could, in very short time, give Jack Dorsey and his Twitter Team a run for its money. Team Twitter is already quite infamous for being too arrogant once it comes to Indian users. Getting a Blue Tick or Account Verification is a gruesome exercise once it comes to Twitter and could for sure lead to its downfall in India. 

To establish its “Swadeshi”credentials, the words “made in India” even accompanies its logo. The app cautions users that without a true-blue homespun app, “we are just a digital colony of the American Twitter India Company, no different than what we were under the British East India Company.”

While the platform’s colour scheme is very similar to that of Twitter, its layout and interface is a cross between Twitter’s look and Facebook’s timeline. The website is gaining popularity due to its pitch as a Swadeshi alternative to Twitter, and it is aided by the fact that the similar interface of the platform is easier to use for people already familiar with social media.

Account creation on the platform is similar to that on Twitter and is based on username. Once in, users can follow other Tooter users, and view their posts on the feed. On this platform, the posts are called Toots instead of Tweets. It has a web platform and an Android app, but does not have an iOS app at the moment. The logo is a white conch on a blue background, much like the white bird on blue background logo of Twitter.

Tooter has created a buzz in the internet world over the past few days. Well, this app can do all that Twitter does. The interface is quite identical to that of Twitter in terms of both design and layout. Even the color scheme is identical to Twitter but Tooter is yet to clarify how it will verify user-profiles and how they will get blue ticks. For now, it just claims that users will be verified by becoming a Tooter Pro user but the process isn’t detailed. Similar to Twitter, users of Tooter can like, comment and repost others’ posts called Toots. One can see only the Toots of those they follow and these can include text, images, videos, etc. To sign up for Tooter account, one has to use Gmail or Yahoo account. wishes Team Tooter all the best !

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